
Majors and AAA Tryouts 
2024 Tryout Dates- January 20, 2024, times determined by players age (rain permitting) 

In order to Tryout players MUST be registered with the League, have all documentation complete and paid to opt out of volunteering or have their $150 Volunteer Fee Turned In. Volunteer Checks may be brought to tryouts. Any missing residency or birth certificate documents may also be brought to tryouts.

What Happens at Tryouts?
- Players are grouped with players of the same or similar age and assigned a tryout time.
- Players have a designated warmup time with adult supervision. 

- Players then rotate through baseball skills with prospective Coaches evaluating for Team Drafts:
- Baseball Skills accessed are:
- Footrace in the outfield with other players in group
- 3 Flyballs and 3 throw to shortstop
- 3 Ground Balls at shortstop with throws to 1st Base 
- Receives throws at First Base 
- Batting- 5 pitches to each player then they run to 1st

AA Evaluations
2024 Evaluation Date- January 27, 2024, times to be determined and rain permitting

All AA Players are invited to an evaluation day to help select players to teams. This helps create well balanced teams for the season of play. Players will be directed through a series of baseball drills grouped with other players.
Drills may include: throwing and catching, flyballs, grounders, batting, running and baseball knowledge 

In order to be Evaluated players MUST be registered with the League, have all documentation complete and paid to opt out of volunteering or have their $150 Volunteer Fee Turned In. Volunteer Checks may be brought to evaluations. 

Single A- Coach Pitch does not attend a tryout or evaluation.

Player drafts will take place after tryouts or evaluations and teams should be notified in early to mid February. 


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